Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Why Getting the Right Construction Cost Estimator is Good for Business

One concrete way to show the growth and development of your business or company is to establish a building that your employees as well as potential investors and business partners will use. That being said, unlike a residential house, embarking on such a venture needs a lot of planning, especially for your finances. With this in mind, here are a couple of reasons why acquiring a reliable construction cost estimator will benefit you and your investment. Knowing Where Your Money Goes A good business owner knows that before any venture, he will need to have properly researched most, if not all, of the aspects of the project or campaign he is about to embark on. Since constructing a building needs significant capital, it is best practice to know where your money is going.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hiring a Construction Cost Estimator Prevents Work Delays Such as This

Although McPier is currently trying to get the project back on track, this story nonetheless demonstrates how a mismatched pricing estimate can put a major construction job on hold. Therefore, project managers would do well to work with a consulting construction cost estimator, like the pre-construction cost consultants of Vermeulens Inc., so that they can tackle similar issues as early as possible. After all, the overall price of a building isn’t entirely composed of the cost of labor and building materials; it also takes into account market conditions, building inspections, and even the preferred construction method. Market conditions are arguably the biggest driving factor, since they determine the amount of local manpower and materials available for the project.